The 7 Best Tips for Traveling With Natural Hair

One of the most common questions I receive as a traveler with natural hair is how do I maintain and care for my hair when traveling. It’s not secret traveling with curly and coily natural hair can be very challenging. You run the risk of traveling to a place with limited product options, sometimes bad water, and no one wants to carve out time while vacationing to do their hair. In order to best make sure those curls are always insta-ready, I’ve created the 7 best tips for traveling with natural hair!

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Black girl kinky natural hair
  1. Make Sure Your Hair Is As Healthy As Possible Before You Leave

    Once you arrive to your destination the goal is to not have to worry about your hair for the time you are traveling. To do this, I recommend making sure your natural hair is as healthy as it can be. This means getting those ends dusted, visiting the salon for any coloring treatments to your roots, and taking the time to thoroughly detangle your hair at home. This will make all the hair maintenance you do have to perform when traveling ten times easier and more efficient.

2. Become a Pro On Your Favorite Natural Hairstyles

Whether your favorite style is a twist out, wash and go, braid out, or up-do, becoming a professional at them leaves little room for surprises when traveling. Because I’ve spent the past years mastering a wash and go, I am very comfortable doing these on the fly or in a rush. This will allow me to wear a hairstyle for the entirety of my trip and limit any unnecessary manipulation.

3. Pack the Products With Multiple Uses

Now’s not the time to pack a plethora of products in your suitcase that has precious space. When traveling, it’s best to be as efficient as possible. I benefit best when I pack products that have multiple ways they can be used. Uncle Funky’s Daughter Thirsty Curls not only works great as a leave-in conditioner but also serves as a curl revitalizer. I’ll use this product on day three or four to bring my style back to life and awaken my curls.

My Favorite Uncle Funky’s Daughter Natural Hair Products for Traveling:

Curly Magic

4. Embrace the Frizz

Once I came to the realization that I was going to have frizz especially while traveling, I was able to fully embrace it! Our hair is naturally curly and frizz is inevitable. The more time spent trying to combat it could cause over manipulation which is something we do not want.

5. Keep a Small Travel Kit Handy

I fully believe that you should also pack a few products in your carry-on. In-flight hair maintenance is crucial to keeping your curls healthy especially during long flight days. The Uncle Funky’s Daughter 5 piece travel kit is ideal for any quick hair touch ups you may have to do. The Supercurl moisture creme keeps my tight curls elongated but also gives them the much-needed hydration and this is crucial when on a plane with limited airflow.

6. Bring Essential Natural Hair Tools

One main thing I used to forget to do was to bring other items that cater to my healthy natural hair with me as I traveled. It may sound crazy at first but now I always pack a satin/silk pillow case with me, microfiber hair towel for whenever I wash my hair, low pulling hair ties, and of course extra bobby pins.

Here’s a list of all of the tools I pack when traveling:
Satin pillow case
Satin headscarf
Microfiber towel
Empty spray bottle
Low pulling hair ties

7. Set Your Hair Around Your Travel Itinerary

This last tip is crucial to maintaining healthy natural hair when traveling. Will you be swimming a lot? Certain itineraries could have you needing to perform more care to your curls. I always keep this in mind when choosing a style. What will the weather be like at your destination? If you’re visiting a humid location maybe you decide to go with an up do or braids instead of wearing your hair out. Once you pick your style(s) adapt it to flow with your travel itinerary

All in all, traveling with natural hair can be accomplished with great products, a set routine, a hairstyle you’ve mastered, and the right tools. Let me know your thoughts in what hairstyles you like to rock when you travel!


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