How I Grew My Pinterest Account to Over 900k Monthly Viewers

When I first wanted to create a Pinterest business account specifically for my brand Globetrottercurls, everything I watched and read told me that Pinterest was dying and that it’s impossible to grow on the platform anymore. Basically, everything negative you can think of I either heard it or thought of it for myself.  I am so glad I decided against my doubts. In late November 2020, I created my website for Globetrottercurls and in part, a Pinterest business account to go with it. Fast forward almost a year later and I have grown to 1,400 plus followers and over 900,000 monthly viewers! 

Here is how it happened! 


Decide On The Type Of Niche 

Pinterest accounts thrive off sticking to a niche and delivering on that niche. Whether you want to do food recipes, fitness tips, or home decor, decide on something you can stick to and do really well. 

Pinterest trends is a great tool to see what is trends and the typically patterns of Pinterest users if you don’t know where to begin. I still use it to this day to see the monthly patterns and how I can tie it into my own niche and brand for Pinterest to grow. 

See below for 10 of the most popular niches on Pinterest: 

  1.    Home Décor

  2.    Art

  3.    Travel

  4.    Photography

  5.    DIY and Crafts

  6.    Design

  7.    Technology


  9.    Food and Drink

  10.   Humor

In following your niche, I do want to express that you most certainly can be creative and test out different niches within your niche. My Pinterst brand is generally natural hair focused but I also share travel hacks and tips along with fitness videos and my audience has continued to grow. However when first starting out, the Pinterest algorithm needs to get a good idea of what type of account you are so try to stick to your one solid niche. 

Master Your Content 

When used right, Pinterest is the ultimate tool for marketers, influencers, and bloggers. This tool integrates so well with other platforms and can grow your traffic like crazy! I can also attest that Pinterest users convert over to buyers VERY well. 

Mastering your content will set you apart from other accounts in your niche. I spent time looking at top accounts in my niche, accounts in the middle, and newer accounts first starting out to see what was working for some and how I could set myself apart. 

What I noticed? 

Not too many Pinterest business accounts were creating their own tutorials and content. What I mean by this is that many accounts simply repost content of others whether that be static pins or video pins. I knew that if I could create my own lane of actually being the face of my tutorials I could stand out and FAST! 

Include Videos, Lots of Videos

The most successful users on Pinterest are those who are able to create the most engaging content with consistency. When Pinterest first introduced “story pins” later switched over to “idea pins” many OG users were not happy. I however saw it as the perfect opportunity to capitalize on something fresh and new and boy am I glad I did. 

Creating video content was one of the main reasons my account exploded from April to July.

We know algorithms love pushing out content that fits their agenda and with Pinterest it’s videos and idea pins! Cater to your audience yes but also create content with the algorithm in mind. Video content allows specific traffic to be led back to your website and if you do it correctly, you can repurpose content from other platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and Tiktok. I love working smarter and not harder. 

Take a glimpse into some of my analytics from video pins and idea pins: 

Video content on Pinterest also provides you with more credibility, especially if you are a new account. You are able to demonstrate a tool, tip, product and establish a sense of authority to where your audience will build trust in you. 

Use Pinterest Like A Search Engine 

Ultimately, Pinterest is like google but with fun images, videos, and great ideas. Once I started treating Pinterest like the search engine it is, my traffic and followers increased tremendously. To do this, I encourage you to spend your own time on the app engaging with content and analyzing what keywords and search engine optimization is being used. SEO are known strategies and techniques used to increase clicks and traffic on your website allowing you to rank higher in search engines such as Google. 

One of my static pins performed very well when I adapted a Pinterest pin description from a huge account for my own descriptions. 

Always update your older pins with relevant keywords and remember to use the alt description option as well. To go even further, add certain keywords that revolve around your niche to everything on your Pinterest business account. This includes board descriptions, your profile bio, your business name, and more. 

But What Do I Include In My Keywords? 

seo (1).png

I take the time to find relevant keywords to my pins by using the Pinterest search bar. I’m able to see the top titles users use and what their keywords are. This method is super important when you are just starting out. 

Create Eye-Catching Pins 

Now that I’ve pushed video pins so hard, I want to take this time to also remind you of the importance of creating eye-catching static pins. Have your pins stand out in the most creative way. 

For my brand, I like having set templates I’ve created on Canva that I can interchange for new pins and old pins. This also includes my brand colors; this way, I’m sticking to a certain aesthetic and my boards look colorful yet cohesive.  A rule of thumb for Pinterest pins is to keep the pins at a size of 1000 x 2000. You’ll also find that the majority of users flock to Canva to design their pins because of how simple yet customizable it is yet other users do also use the Tailwinds design app. 

In addition to that, it’s important to brand your pin. Always have your name and or website on your pins that way your audience will learn your look and brand. From there, you then just need a catchy title and like I stated before, something that users are searching for. 


So there it is friends, the 5 ways I grew my Pinterest account to over 900,000 monthly viewers! 

How do you plan to increase your Pinterest presence this month?


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